You might already know that many animals are nocturnal and roam more openly at night. So there are some advantages if you are looking for some of these,
Another perk of hunting in the dark is the thrill that you will feel. Time spent outdoors at night always feel more exciting, so if you are a bit of an adrenaline junkie, you should give this a try.
Besides this, it can be quite challenging which is something that people like me really enjoy. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. Sounds are much louder and more difficult to see.
Most people just hunt during the day. But they don’t know what they are missing. Going hunting at night opens a whole new world of experiences. You no longer have to worry about running out of time.
Some people set out as it becomes dark and exclusively hunt when it’s dark. They might stop when they have bagged their kill or at dawn.
Otherwise, you can go hike and set out on a trip that will last one or more days. You can hunt during the day or night and camp out when you become tired.